Th F E(1 / 1)
thou fair eliza
turn aga, thou fair eliza!
ae kd blk before we part;
rue on thy despairg lover,
can&039;st thou break his faithfu&039; heart?
turn aga, thou fair eliza!
if to love thy heart denies,
oh, pity hide the sentence
under friendship&039;s kd disguise!
thee, sweet aid, hae i offended?
y offence is lovg thee;
can&039;st thou wreck his peace for ever,
wha for the would gdly die?
while the life beats y bo,
thou shalt ix ilka throe:
turn aga, thou lovely aiden,
ae sweet sile on bestow
not the bee upon the blos,
the pride o&039; sny noon;
not the little sportg fairy,
all beneath the sir oon;
not the strel the ont
fancy lightens his e&039;e,
kens the pleasure, feels the rapture,
that thy presence gies to