Wh C A Y L D W A A M(1 / 1)
what can a young ssie do wi&039; an auld an
what can a young ssie, what shall a young ssie,
what can a young ssie do wi&039; an auld an?
bad ck on the penny that tepted y nie
to sell her puir jenny for siller an&039; n&039;
bad ck on the penny that tepted y nie
to sell her puir jenny for siller an&039; n&039;!
he&039;s always pleen&039; frae orn&039; to e&039;en&039;,
he hoasts and he hirples the weary day ng;
he&039;s doylt and he&039;s doz, his bde it is frozen,—
o, dreary&039;s the night wi&039; a crazy auld an!
he&039;s doylt and he&039;s doz, his bde it is frozen,
o, dreary&039;s the night wi&039; a crazy auld an
he hus and he hankers, he frets and he cankers,
i never can please hi do a&039; that i can;
he&039;s peevish an&039; jealo o&039; a&039; the young fellows,—
o, dool on the day i t wi&039; an auld an!
he&039;s peevish an&039; jealo o&039; a&039; the young fellows,
o, dool on the day i t wi&039; an auld an
y auld auntie katie upon taks pity,
i&039;ll do y endeavour to follow her pn;
i&039;ll cross hi an&039; wrack hi, until i heartbreak hi
and then his auld brass will buy a new pan,
i&039;ll cross hi an&039; wrack hi, until i heartbreak hi,
and then his auld brass will buy a new pan