T A C h ESQ W(1 / 1)
to alex cunngha, esq, writer
ellisnd, nithsdale, july 27th, 1788
y godlike friend—nay, do not stare,
you thk the phrase is odd-like;
but god is love, the sats decre,
then surely thou art god-like
and is thy ardour still the sa?
and kdled still at anna?
others ay boast a partial f,
but thou art a volcano!
ev&039;n wedlock asks not love beyond
death&039;s tie-dislvg portal;
but thou, onipotently fond,
ay&039;st proise love iortal!
thy wounds such healg powers defy,
such syptos dire attend the,
that st great antihectic try—
arria perhaps ay nd the
sweet anna has an air—a grace,
dive, agic, touchg:
she talks, she chars—but who can trace
the process of bewitchg?