Th O(2 / 3)
e thy pasture&039;s scanty;
for pfu&039;s r o&039; gospel kail
shall fill thy crib plenty,
an&039; runts o&039; grace the pick an&039; wale,
no gi&039;en by way o&039; daty,
but ilka day
nae air by babel&039;s streas we&039;ll weep,
to thk upon our zion;
and hg our fiddles up to sleep,
like baby-clouts a-dry!
e, screw the pegs wi&039; tunefu&039; cheep,
and o&039;er the thairs be try;
oh, rare to see our elbucks wheep,
and a&039; like b-tails fly
fu&039; fast this day
ng, patrona, with rod o&039; airn,
has shor&039;d the kirk&039;s undo;
as tely fenwick, sair forfairn,
has proven to its ru:
our patron, honest an! glencairn,
he saw ischief was bre;
an&039; like a godly, elect bairn,
he&039;s waled out a true ane,
and und, this day
now robertn harangue nae air,
but steek your gab for ever;
or try the wicked town of ayr,
for there they&039;ll thk you clever;
or, nae reflection on your lear,
ye ay nce a shaver;
or to the herton repair,
an&039; turn a carpet weaver
aff-hand this day
u&039;trie and you were jt a atch,
we never had sic a drones;
auld hornie did the igh kirk watch,
jt like a k baudrons,
and aye he catch&039;d the tither wretch,
to fry the his caudrons;
but now his honour aun detach,
wi&039; a&039; his bristone sadrons,
fast, fast this day
see, see auld orthodoxy&039;s faes
she&039;s s thro&039; the city!
hark, how the ne-tail&039;d cat she pys!
i vow it&039;s un pretty:
there, learng, with his greekish face,
grunts out t ditty;
and on-sense is gaun, she says,
to ak to jaie beattie
her pt this day
but there&039;s orality hisel&039;,
ebracg all opions;
hear, how he gies the tither yell,