S —Wh I Th A M B -D(1 / 1)
ng—wha is that at y bower-door
tune—“ss, an i e near thee”
“wha is that at y bower-door?”
“o wha is it but fdy!”
“then gae your gate, ye&039;se nae be here:”
“deed aun i,” o&039; fdy;
“what ak&039; ye, sae like a thief?”
“o e and see,” o&039; fdy;
“before the orn ye&039;ll work ischief:”
“deed will i,” o&039; fdy
“gif i rise and let you ”—
“let ,” o&039; fdy;
“ye&039;ll keep wauk wi&039; your d;”
“deed will i,” o&039; fdy;
“ y bower if ye should stay”—
“let stay,” o&039; fdy;
“i fear ye&039;ll bide till break o&039; day;”
“deed will i,” o&039; fdy
“here this night if ye rea”—
“i&039;ll rea,” o&039; fdy;
“i dread ye&039;ll learn the gate aga;”
“deed will i,” o&039; fdy
“what ay pass with this bower”—
“let it pass,” o&039; fdy;
“ye aun nceal till your st hour:”
“deed will i,” o&039; fdy